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Friday, September 14, 2012

Comparisions between Vb.net and C#.net

 Visual Basic .NET

1.Variables can be declared using the WithEvents construct.
2.Auto-wireup of events, VB.NET has the Handles syntax for events.
3.IsNumeric evaluates whether a string can be cast into a numeric value (the equivalent for C# requires using int.TryParse)
4.COM components and interoperability was more powerful in VB.NET as the Object type is bound at runtime,[12] however C#4.0 added the dynamic type which functions as a late bound form of Object
5.Namespaces can be imported in project level, so they don't have to be imported to each individual file, like C#
6.Assigning and comparing variables uses the same token, =. Whereas C# has separate tokens, == for comparison and = to assign a value
7.VB.NET is not case-sensitive.
8.Visual Basic .NET terminates a block of code with End BlockName statements


1.Allows blocks of unsafe code (like C++/CLI) via the unsafe keyword and support for pointers
2.Partial Interfaces
3.Multi-line comments
4.Static classes
5.Can use checked and unchecked contexts for fine-grained control of overflow/underflow checking
6.String concatenation can be performed using the numeric addition token, +, in addition to the string concatenation token &.
7.C# is case-sensitive.
8.In C#, the braces, {}, are used to delimit blocks.

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